API Documentation

Note that is mandatory make API requests using port 443 (HTTPS). Otherwise you will receive error 403 (denial of access). Responses are given in JSON format


Endpoint: https://dragonwallet.us.to/api/payout.php

Request method: GET

Request parameters:

Response parameters:

Get balances

Endpoint: https://dragonwallet.us.to/api/balances.php

Request method: GET

Request parameters:

Response parameters:

"balances" object example: {"nvc": 1000, "bnb": 0.2, "usdt":10.000001, "btc": 0.00011981, "evmos": 219.2046}

Check if user exists

Endpoint: https://dragonwallet.us.to/api/checkuser.php

Request method: GET

Request parameters:

Response parameters:

Supported currencies

Endpoint: https://dragonwallet.us.to/api/tickers.php

Request method: GET

Request parameters:


Accept payment

Endpoint: https://dragonwallet.us.to/api/invoice.php

User will receive notification of approval request

Request method: GET

Callback method: GET

Request parameters:

Response parameters:

Note: If you got "ok" from server, it does not means that invoice was paid. Await callback on your listening URL (status).

Forwarded parameters:

Note: Callbacks are sent only on successful payments. Then, if you got callback it means that your invoice was paid.

If you lost secret key, reset it in settings. All apps using an old key will receive denial of access. Restore it also if you noticed suspicious activity of your account